Colin: Yeah, so, if you go outside tonight, in the yard, for any reason.... there is a weird high pitched squeaking noise, and I don't know what it is.
Me: Aliens.
Colin: Aliens, eh?
Me: Yup, totally.
Colin: Well it sounds like the alien is up in trees, or on the roof.
Me: Duh. Alien squirrel.
Colin: Yeah? An alien squirrel?
Me: Yup, from the planet Nut.
Colin: Did you just say "alien squirrel from planet nut"? Like "N" "U" "T"?
Me: No, actually it's Planet "N" "H" "Ü" "T" with the lil' umlat over the "u".
Colin: *laughing hard*
Me: Alien squirrels enjoy proper grammatical etiquette, don't hate.
Colin: Oh, I'm not hatin'... *still laughing*, kinda lovin' this.
Me: Know what else you kinda love?
Colin: What's that?
Me: Me, as your housemate of forever. Admit it, you kinda love me and my constant proof of why I don't need to do drugs.
Colin: Yeah. I don't need to "admit" that, it's self-evident.
Me: I know.
(*here's where I go back to laying on the floor next to the furry diva beast singing ♫♪♫♪♫"On top of spaghettiiii.... all covered with cheeeeee..... I lost my pooooor meatballlll..... when somebody sneeeeeeeezed...."♫♪♪♪♫♫*)
************ and THAT, my friends, is more of the why/how Colin & I have been living with each other longer than any relationship we've been in... we "get" each other. Rare, very rare.